Using Windows version of IPMITool called (ipmiutil) does not work when attempting to activate an SOL connection.

IPMIUtil is the Windows Equivalent of IPMITOOLS.

It may be downloaded from Sourceforge:

After installing the appropriate Windows Binary, here is the basic syntax of ipmiutil after you install the binary

ipmiutil ver 3.18
Usage: ipmiutil <command> [other options]
   where <command> is one of the following:
        alarms  show/set the front panel alarm LEDs and relays
        leds    show/set the front panel alarm LEDs and relays
        discover        discover all IPMI servers on this LAN
        cmd     send a specified raw IPMI command to the BMC
        config  list/save/restore BMC configuration parameters
        dcmi    get/set DCMI parameters
        ekanalyzer      run EKeying analyzer on FRU files (deprecated, see fru)
        events  decode IPMI events and display them
        firewall        show/set firmware firewall functions
        fru     show decoded FRU inventory data, write asset tag
        fwum    OEM firmware update manager extensions
        getevt  get IPMI events and display them, event daemon
        getevent        get IPMI events and display them, event daemon
        health  check and show the basic health of the IPMI BMC
        hpm     HPM firmware update manager extensions
        lan     show/set IPMI LAN parameters, users, PEF rules
        picmg   show/set picmg extended functions
        power   issue IPMI reset or power control to the system
        reset   issue IPMI reset or power control to the system
        sel     show/clear firmware System Event Log records
        sensor  show Sensor Data Records, readings, thresholds
        serial  show/set IPMI Serial & Terminal Mode parameters
        sol     start/stop an SOL console session
        smcoem  SuperMicro OEM functions
        sunoem  Sun OEM functions
        delloem Dell OEM functions
        tsol    Tyan SOL console start/stop session
        user    list or modify IPMI LAN users
        wdt     show/set/reset the watchdog timer
   common IPMI LAN options:
       -N node  Nodename or IP address of target system
       -U user  Username for remote node
       -P/-R pswd  Remote Password
       -E   use password from Environment IPMI_PASSWORD
       -F   force driver type (e.g. imb, lan2)
       -J 0 use lanplus cipher suite 0: 0 thru 14, 3=default
       -T 1 use auth Type: 1=MD2, 2=MD5(default), 4=Pswd
       -V 2 use priVilege level: 2=user(default), 4=admin
       -Y   prompt for remote password
       -Z   set slave address of local MC
For help on each command (e.g. 'sel'), enter:
   ipmiutil sel -?
ipmiutil , usage or help requested

Many of the basic commands DO work.

C:\>ipmiutil user list 1 -N -U admin -P mypass99 -V 3
ipmiutil user ver 3.18
Connecting to node
User  1: chan=1         disabled          Admin
User  2: chan=1         disabled          Admin         szadm
User  3: chan=1          enabled        No access       admin
User  4: chan=1         disabled        No access
User  5: chan=1         disabled        No access
User  6: chan=1         disabled        No access
User  7: chan=1         disabled        No access
User  8: chan=1         disabled        No access
User  9: chan=1         disabled        No access
User 10: chan=1         disabled        No access
ipmiutil user, completed successfully

Example viewing sensor data also works

C:\>ipmiutil sensor -N -U admin -P mypass99 -V 3
ipmiutil sensor version 3.18
Connecting to node
-- BMC version 2.21, IPMI version 2.0
_ID_ SDR_Type_xx ET Own Typ S_Num   Sens_Description   Hex & Interp Reading
0001 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 33 DRIVE14_TEMP     = 20 OK   32.00 degrees C
0002 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum 6f PVCCSA_CPU1      = 2e OK   0.92 Volts
0003 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 01 PCH_TEMP         = 2d OK   45.00 degrees C
0004 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 13 CPU1_DIMMB1_TEMP = 00 Absent 0.00 na
0005 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 04 snum 4b FAN_TACH5        = 70 OK   11200.00 RPM
0006 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 11 CPU1_DIMMA1_TEMP = 00 Absent 0.00 na
0007 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum 6d PVCCIN_CPU1      = 59 OK   1.78 Volts
0008 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 36 DRIVE17_TEMP     = 1f OK   31.00 degrees C
0009 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 04 snum 48 FAN_TACH2        = 83 OK   13100.00 RPM
000a SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 27 DRIVE2_TEMP      = 1f OK   31.00 degrees C
000b SDR Full 01 01 20 a 02 snum 72 VOLT_PVNN        = 32 OK   1.00 Volts
000c SDR Full 01 01 20 a 04 snum 4f FAN_TACH9        = 73 OK   11500.00 RPM
000d SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 32 DRIVE13_TEMP     = 1f OK   31.00 degrees C
000e SDR Full 01 01 20 a 01 snum 3a DRIVE21_TEMP     = 20 OK   32.00 degrees C
000f SDR Full 01 01 20 a 04 snum 5d PSU0_FAN1        = 82 OK   13000.00 RPM
0010 SDR Full 01 01 20 a 04 snum 4d FAN_TACH7        = 73 OK   11500.00 RPM

However, when attempting to initialize a Serial Over Lan (SOL) connection using ipmiutil you may encounter a condition where you do not see a login prompt or the expected screen output.


Even when following the usage and specifying a ~? for help you do not SEE A login prompt. The terminal remains black and does not show anything.

Even if you attempt to TYPE on the screen, you will see text but it will then disconnect.

The PROBLEM is that the Windows Command Prompt does not correctly render the Terminal Output.

The SOLUTION is to use a Linux and/or MAC system and ipmitool.

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One Response to Using Windows version of IPMITool called (ipmiutil) does not work when attempting to activate an SOL connection.

  1. darkfader says:

    Hi, I also had the problem with ipmiutil yesterday, sol activate just died. like most things. it’s a very old tool, maybe that’s why.

    in the end I found there’s a ipmitool build by dell:

    can only recommend to switch over.

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