There are times you may be on a system and for whatever insane reason, netstat is not installed.
Here is how you can obtain interface information without netstat
# awk '(f==0) { i=1; while ( i<=NF) {n[i] = $i; i++ }; f=1; next} (f==1){ i=2; while ( i<=NF){ printf "%s = %d\n", n[i], $i; i++}; f=0}' /proc/net/netstat |column -t
Example results
# awk '(f==0) { i=1; while ( i<=NF) {n[i] = $i; i++ }; f=1; next} (f==1){ i=2; while ( i<=NF){ printf "%s = %d\n", n[i], $i; i++}; f=0}' /proc/net/netstat |column -t
SyncookiesSent = 0
SyncookiesRecv = 0
SyncookiesFailed = 5
EmbryonicRsts = 0
PruneCalled = 0
RcvPruned = 0
OfoPruned = 0
OutOfWindowIcmps = 0
LockDroppedIcmps = 0
ArpFilter = 0
TW = 1160
TWRecycled = 0
TWKilled = 0
PAWSPassive = 0
PAWSActive = 0
PAWSEstab = 5
DelayedACKs = 25254
DelayedACKLocked = 21
DelayedACKLost = 4129
ListenOverflows = 0
ListenDrops = 0
TCPPrequeued = 419476
TCPDirectCopyFromBacklog = 7131447
TCPDirectCopyFromPrequeue = 70660208
TCPPrequeueDropped = 0
TCPHPHits = 650154
TCPHPHitsToUser = 35433
TCPPureAcks = 241811
TCPHPAcks = 29236
TCPRenoRecovery = 0
TCPSackRecovery = 21
TCPSACKReneging = 0
TCPFACKReorder = 0